Ring Sizing

How long does resizing take?
We do not have a bench jeweler at the gallery, so we return all rings to the original artist for resizing. Ring sizing takes approximately 4-8 weeks, depending on the artist.

Ring Sizing Costs
Most artists charge us between $75 and $150 to resize their rings. However, we do cover the cost of resizing a ring for the first time on some of our pieces.

All sales are final on sized rings.

Jamie Joseph Ring Sizing
Do you need a different size? We cover the $75 ring sizing cost for the first resize within three months of purchase.

Please select ring sizing and add it to your cart. Include the size you need in the notes.

If you need assistance determining your size, please email us at customerservice@silveradogallery.com or call 541-322-8792 Monday through Friday 10am-5pm PST. You can check out for your ring without confirming your ring size. If you need more time to decide, just make a note at checkout.


Engagement Ring Sizing & One of a Kind Ring Sizing
Do you need a different size? Please select ring sizing and add it to your cart. Include the size you need in the notes.

You can check out for your ring without confirming your ring size. If you need more time to decide, just make a note at checkout. Ring sizing must be confirmed with the artist and can cost between $0 and $100. We will email you back when we confirm the cost and time frame.

If you need help determining your size, please email us at customerservice@silveradogallery.com or call 541-322-8792 Monday through Friday 10am-5pm PST.


Special ordering ring size
Don’t see your size in stock? Please email us at customerservice@silveradogallery.com or call 541-322-8792 Monday through Friday 10am-5pm PST. We will respond to let you know if we can get the size you need and the time frame to order it.